Most Americans are unaware that over the past century, a battle over the healthcare of the population has been waged on many fronts. Less expensive yet significantly more effective holistic health modalities, including chiropractic care and nutrition, have been sidelined, scrutinized, and even vilified […]
The phrase is “avoidable mortality,” and it refers to deaths that could have been prevented. For you and me it sounds like a humanitarian imperative. For governments, it’s an economic opportunity. Don’t see the connection? Well, healthier populations are able to create more robust economic […]
Aging is often associated with cognitive decline. However, some individuals, known as “super-agers,” defy these expectations. These centenarians maintain sharp mental faculties well into their later years. Research is revealing that resilience and problem-solving skills are key traits that set them […]
No doubt you’ve heard of the placebo effect. But if you think it stops with sugar pills you don’t know the half of it. On two occasions psychologist and researcher Alia Crum and her team conducted a “mind over milkshake” experiment. Participants were given a 300 calorie milkshake. However […]
Mary “Molly” Repper smoked 20 cigarettes a day for most of her life, until she turned 95. Then she gave it up. Just turning 100, Molly’s doctors have said that her lungs were clear, and her heart was as “sound as a bell.” Molly is living proof that it’s never too late to The post It’s […]
Talk of telomeres is making its way into health news today more than ever. Until recently you may not have heard of telomeres. Now that you have, you still might not understand their importance. Let’s look at the long and short of telomeres. Coming to Terms First, some definitions. A chromosome is a […]
Life is rarely smooth sailing. We all, at some time, experience challenges of one kind or another that cause us severe and lasting emotional or psychological distress. These traumatic events often overwhelm our normal ability to cope, leading to feelings of fear and helplessness. This experience can […]
Our breath is an essential part of life that we often take for granted. It is a process that allows us to bring oxygen into our bodies and release carbon dioxide. Proper breathing is essential for survival and plays a vital role in maintaining our health and managing stress. It really is the The post […]
Do you understand the power that heals the body? Almost everyone has an inner knowledge that mental and emotional “stresses” can cause illness in the body. However, the question has always been how and why? To understand the inner workings behind stress-induced symptoms, we need to understand and […]
The high cost of prescription drug is often in the news and a major issue on many levels. Therefore, individuals, families, communities, and politicians are searching for answers as the cost of drugs and health care skyrocket and people keep getting sicker. Thus, a prescription drugs solution is […]
There is a lot of cholesterol confusion right now. For years, the media has pointed fingers at high cholesterol for being the main cause of heart disease. This has created an era of low fat, low cholesterol diets. These diets have allowed the processed carbohydrate and sugar industries to boom. […]
The trust Americans have in our government’s handling of our health care has long been a topic of conversation. It was before COVID, during, and has been ever since. But are we having the right conversation? Is the issue really about trust? Or is it actually about our, the public’s, lack of […]
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, approximately 6.7 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s. That’s 1 in 9 people aged 65 and older. It is estimated that by 2050, the number will grow to 12.7 million. Yet the authors of a new book, The Alzheimer’s Solution: A […]
Naturopathy, a holistic approach to health, has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. In this article, we delve into the historical reflections of naturopathy and what it’s all about. The Congressional Definition of Naturopathy (1931) Naturopathy, as defined by the US Congress in […]
Understanding Dis-ease From Another Perspective Disease is not something to be feared, but rather understood as a natural adaptation to negative stress. Many people think that the flu season, for example, is like a game of roulette—that it’s a matter of chance whether or not we “catch the bug.” […]
You may have hated them as a child. You may like some and not others as an […]
Everyone around the world has heard of the Michelin Star. Awarded to […]
With all of the plant-based “milks” on the grocery shelves, many people […]
Health tonics are nothing new. Thought of as modern-day elixirs, the idea of […]
If you’re committed to eating healthier, then you should give some thought […]
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